Tree Service | Tree Removal | Tree Trimming

AAA Tree Service

Deciduous trees – Tree TrimmingTree Removal

Deciduous trees (ones that lose their leaves in winter) are usually pruned in autumn and winter. In some cases, for example with magnolias and walnuts, pruning is best done in late summer, as healing is quicker. Tree Removal

Trees such as Prunus sp, which are prone to silver leaf disease are best pruned from April to July when the disease spores are not on the wind, and the tree sap is rising rather than falling (which pushes out infection rather than drawing it in). Tree Trimming

Some trees can bleed sap if pruned in late winter and early spring. Although seldom fatal, this is unsightly and can weaken the tree. Birches and walnuts often bleed if pruned at the wrong time. Tree Trimming

Evergreen trees

Evergreens seldom need pruning, although dead and diseased branches can be removed in late summer. Tree Removal

AAA Tree Service is expert in Tree Trimming and Tree Removal. While it does the bulk of its demolition work for commercial enterprises and government projects, we also handle residential demolition work on Long Island and in the five boroughs. We handle both interior and exterior demolition using hand and machine methods to ensure safe and thorough results. AAA Tree Service Long Island, NY demolish high-rise buildings, bridges, industrial plants, warehouses, apartment buildings and personal residences. Tree Trimming

Tree Removal

When AAA Tree Service tree removal is planned, you will receive an additional notice in the packet requesting that you contact the utility arborist working in your area to discuss the issues of concern identified during their inspection.
But before tree work is scheduled or performed, an AAA Tree Service Long Island arborist trained in utility operations will inspect trees near the power lines to determine whether pruning or removal is needed. Considerations during this assessment include:
• What is the physical condition of the tree?
• Are there hollows, cracks, splits, decay, disease, etc. that put the tree at increased risk of falling into the lines and causing an outage?
• Would removing the tree or limbs eliminate the hazard?
• What is the species of the tree and what is its natural mature height, crown spread, wood strength and rate of growth?
• Will future growth lead to increasing conflict with the power lines?
• What voltage is the power line and what is the position of the tree in relation to the line? The greater the voltage, the greater the clearance distance required.
• What will be the visual and health impact of the work on the tree?
• Would the amount of required clearance impact the tree to such an extent that complete removal would be recommended?

Tree Removal and Tree Trimming services Provided by AAA Tree and Landscaping.

AAA Tree Service | Tree Service | AAA Cheap Tree | AAA Tree and Landscaping   www.AAATree.Info  www.AAATreeService.Biz
When We Prune a Tree Tree Removal
All pruning methods meet the standards and practices established by the American National Standards Institute’s A300—Tree Pruning Standard, the International Society of Arboriculture, the Tree Care Industry Association and the Arbor Day Foundation. Before any pruning begins and after arriving at your property, our tree contractor is to knock at the door to announce themselves and then begin work. All pruning work we do along power lines is done by directional pruning techniques that result in limbs being cut back to another existing branch, crotch or trunk. This approach tends to guide new growth away from power lines while taking advantage of the natural ability of trees to heal-over pruning cuts made at those locations. Tree Removal
AAA Tree Service NY

When We Remove a Tree
Tree Removal
NIPSCO understands the many benefits of trees to our environment and their contribution to the quality of life in the communities we serve. We will only completely remove trees when it is prudent or necessary to do so. Trees are cut down only with the consent of the land owner and only after they have been identified by our arborists as being a high or immediate risk to safety or reliable electric service. Tree Removal
All arrangements made with you related to tree removal will be documented in writing and a copy of the agreement provided to you. The arborist will then mark the trees and let you know a general time frame for when the work is scheduled. Upon arriving at your property, our tree contractor is to knock at the door to announce themselves and then begin work. Tree Removal
AAA Tree Service Long Island, NY
Tree Clean up Tree Removal
When the job is done, AAA Tree Service will chip and haul away smaller trimmings and do a general clean-up of the work area. Larger limbs that have value as firewood will be cut into manageable lengths and left at the base of the tree for your use unless other arrangements have been made. The resulting wood will be handled per your written agreement. Our crews do not clean-up or remove branches and debris that occur during storm restoration efforts. Tree Removal

Tree Removal and Tree Trimming services Provided by AAA Tree and Landscaping.

AAA Tree Service | Tree Service | AAA Cheap Tree | AAA Tree and Landscaping   www.AAATree.Info  www.AAATreeService.Biz